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18 Things Moms Wish They’d Known Before Baby

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Congrats on having a baby! It’s such an exciting time. Chances are, you’ve already gone out and bought some books, set up your pregnancy calendar and signed up for your “This is Week XX” emails. There’s so much information out there; it’s surely overwhelming. So, to combat the pushy prose and longform articles, we’ve collected some of the best thoughts and comments from the best resources on pregnancy — other moms.

You don’t have to be Pinterest perfect.

Don’t feel bad if you didn’t DIY the best nursery ever. There will be plenty of time to get crafty as your child gets older. It’s OK to be tired. You’re going to have good days and bad days. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t have everything done before baby comes.

Be honest with your childfree friends.

Chances are, you still have friends who don’t have kids. It sounds cliche, but if they’re really true friends, you’ll be able to be honest with them — whether it’s about how you feel physically, your fears, etc.

Tune out some of the advice.

Everyone has an opinion. You’ll learn quickly who you actually want to hear from.

Consider changing the eating habits in your household.

It’s never too late to change your eating habits. Get your partner on the same page as you so that you can minimize eating bad foods during and after pregnancy.

Make more time for your significant other.

While it’s definitely a time when women are encouraged to be selfish, don’t neglect your significant other.

Don’t Google everything.

Hitting the message boards can be a recipe for disaster as stories and circumstances may range from the weird to the fictitious. Talk to your doctor, family and friends. You don’t want to stumble upon a conversation debating the pluses and minuses of chickpeas during pregnancy.

Work out more before trying to get pregnant.

Working out before and during pregnancy will not only help you feel better as it continues, but it will help postpartum with losing the weight.

Video your tummy when the baby is kicking.

It’s hard to remember what it was like after they’re born. Try to capture this if you can.

Take care of yourself as much as possible.

Take long showers. Get a pedicure. Do it now because there will be no time later.

Don’t compare yourself to other pregnant women and your pregnant friends.

Another recipe for disaster. This can only end badly.

Order the stuff you need for the baby.

Gifts are great, but you never know what people won’t buy you before the baby comes. Make sure to get what you need.

Think about your own needs for after the baby was born.

Consider what’s going to make your life easier: stock up on foods you love, plan some time out with friends (without the baby), schedule a massage, and maybe hire a weekly laundry or cleaning service for the first month if someone can swing the cost.

Don’t be ashamed to plan for help.

It takes a village. Line up friends and family to help you both during the pregnancy and once baby comes.

Get your paper goods.

Stock up on paper plates, plastic silverware, and as many takeout menus as possible. You’re not going to want to cook!

You will be unprepared — and that’s OK.

Each pregnancy is different. Each child is different.

Labor and delivery is not always beautiful.

Not going to lie; it can be a scary and harrowing experience. It’s typically painful (on varying levels). And, well, you’re delivering a baby — from your body! — it’s going to be messy. Digest that now. Maybe tell your partner too.

Educate yourself more on post-birth recovery.

Take time after you give birth to recover. It’s different for each mother. Some of us just physically bounce back faster than others. Make sure you stay mentally well and know the signs if something isn’t right

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