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McCoy & Hiestand: Home of the Lady Litigator

What to Do After a Wreck

wreck tips car wreck

No one plans for what to do when they’re in a wreck and often times feel frazzled in the moments following a collision, but the process is simple if you remember these steps.

First things first, call the police. Even if the accident doesn’t seem bad the police will record all the necessary information needed to resolve any issues. They will document when, where, and how the wreck occurred. A police report is the best evidence as it will include an unbiased account of what happened, including if any traffic laws were violated.

While you may feel fine at the moment, it’s important to promptly seek medical treatment. Any impact can be enough to cause life altering injuries. Due to adrenaline and shock many people do not report injuries at the scene of the wreck but later feel the effects. Do not delay in seeking treatment – the at-fault driver’s insurance company will attempt to avoid paying for your injuries if you delay treatment.

Take picturesof the scene, any injuries you have sustained and any damage to your vehicle. Along with the police report, pictures will tell the story of your accident.

A wreck can often leave both parties wondering what happened or whose fault it was but do not talk about fault. Leave the legal matters to a lawyer.

Lastly, you need to call your insurance company. In your contract you agreed to immediately notify your company in the event of a wreck. This not only allows them an opportunity to investigate, it also gives your company an opportunity to help you with things like a rental car and initial medical treatment (assuming your policy offers these benefits.)

If you have been seriously injured in an accident reaching a settlement can be lengthy and confusing. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you navigate the process and help you get what you deserve. Our attorneys at McCoy, Hiestand & Smith have more than 50 years of experience representing the injured.

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