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Columbia Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

What Is a Catastrophic Injury and Why You Need a Columbia Attorney

There is no legal definition of a catastrophic injury, but rather a subjective evaluation. According to Columbia court, a catastrophic injury creates life altering change, such as death, paraplegia, loss of a limb, brain injury, or significant injury that prevents the injured person from returning to life as they knew it. If you have suffered such an extreme injury at the hands of another’s negligence, contact a Columbia catastrophic injury attorney for assistance in obtaining financial compensation for the damages the injured party and their family has been forced to face. This is likely the worst situations of anybody’s life, so it is vital to trust your personal injury lawyer, and know they are sincerely concerned with your well being and that of the injured person, first and foremost.

damages in a Louisville personal injury case


The nature of the damages in catastrophic injury cases are dramatically different from other personal injury cases. While smaller injuries will likely have an effect on the individual’s employment, their ability to return to work, when they can return to work, in what capacity they can return to work, and whether or not there will be limitations. If a person suffers a catastrophic injury, that person is not going to be able to return to employment.


An individual should make sure their Columbia catastrophic injury attorney has access to the funds that are necessary to prove all these elements of damages. Numerous experts are needed in a catastrophic injury case, and if the attorney does not have the finances to hire these experts, that attorney cannot prove his case. A catastrophic injury attorney in Columbia can contact a Life Care Planner to determine the likely future needs of the injured person, their quality of life, and the associated future costs. For example, they can help understand and detail the costs for the injured person if they will require around the clock nursing care, occupational therapy, physical therapy, job training, or other types of assistance. They can have a vocational economist look at the injured person’s employment, the value of that employment, and the reasons they cannot return to that employment. Then an economist will evaluate that vocational economic report to determine what the financial impact is and do the calculations. Physician’s opinions as to present and future medical care and treatment will be required, as well elder care experts that are involved in hospice regarding surviving and thriving.

Importance of a Lawyer

The first thing a loved one of an injured party should do is contact a lawyer. If the injured party does not have the capacity to care for themselves or make legal decisions, the loved one should contact a catastrophic injury lawyer in Columbia who can help walk them through the process of determining whether or not someone should be appointed as a temporary legal guardian for the injured person and make legal decisions for them, including the decision to file a lawsuit. An attorney should be contacted right away to help with the step-by-step process, if deemed necessary, to be appointed as Guardian and to help obtain state and federal assistance that may be available for the injured person.

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