McCoy & Hiestand, PLC, takes pride in fostering the growth of its community. Beginning in 2023, the firm is proud to make scholarships available to incoming and current college students interested in pursuing their academic ambitions across the United States.
The scholarships currently available to students through McCoy & Hiestand, PLC, include:
The firm will share more information about additional opportunities for students to apply for financial support at a later date. For more information about announced scholarships, students and their families can visit the applicable terms and conditions pages.
Applicants need to keep a close eye on these scholarship deadlines. All applicable materials need to make it to McCoy & Hiestand, PLC, by a scholarship’s submission deadline if the applying student is to be considered for the scholarship award.
McCoy & Hiestand, PLC, is excited to help students and their families more readily contend with the financial challenges that come with going to college. The firm hopes that students who receive McCoy & Hiestand, PLC’s available scholarships have the opportunity to put that support to good use and turn that good fortune back on their communities.