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Springfield Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Springfield Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

If you have been involved in a serious accident leading to a significant injury, the consequences can affect you for the rest of your life. If the accident was caused by the negligence and disregard of someone else, the consequences become even harder to bear. Instead of accepting things as they are, contact a personal injury lawyer, and fight for a fair financial settlement.

Catastrophic Injury Classification

It is possible to file a personal injury claim and pursue a financial settlement following a wide range of injuries. But a catastrophic injury is its own category, and it is important for plaintiffs to understand whether their injury qualifies before building a case.  Some of the most common types of catastrophic injuries include:

  • Burns that cover a substantial part of the body
  • Traumatic brain injuries that impair a person’s motor skills or cognitive functions
  • Spinal cord injuries that lead to any kind of paralysis
  • Organ damage that puts a person’s life at risk
  • Amputation of any kind
  • Brachial plexus injuries that impair the hands and arms
  • Multiple fractures concentrated in one location or spread throughout the body
  • Total or partial loss of hearing or sight
  • Permanent injuries to an unborn fetus

What Leads to Catastrophic Injuries

With the help of a Springfield catastrophic injury attorney it is possible to hold the offending parties responsible and secure a sizable financial settlement. Understanding the kinds of circumstances that lead to catastrophic injuries helps plaintiffs use the legal system to their greatest advantage.

Anyone who has received serious injuries because of these common accident types should contact a lawyer immediately:

  • Accidents involving cars and truck
  • Accidents involving motorcycles and boats
  • Being hurt while walking as a pedestrian
  • Being hurt on the job
  • Medical malpractice
  • Falling from a height, or being struck by a falling object
  • Relying on defective products
  • Experiencing fires and explosions

Personal Injury Lawsuits

It is always advisable to contact a catastrophic injury lawyer in Springfield after any kind of incident on the job, on the roads, or outside the home. Kentucky law establishes a number of protections for victims of serious accidents when someone else is responsible for the danger.

Filing a personal injury lawsuit is an option after almost all catastrophic injuries. But filing the suit is just the first step. The plaintiff will also need to carefully establish the responsibility of the offending party. That means countering the evidence and arguments of the defense.

Working with a Catastrophic Injury Attorney

A catastrophic injury attorney in Springfield will examine the evidence of the accident, study the applicable case law, and draw on their familiarity with the local courts to construct the most effective argument possible.

With the help of an experienced attorney, a plaintiff can be awarded a financial settlement to cover the cost of medical bills, on-going care, lost wages, and diminished quality of life.

Our knowledgeable attorneys will help you to hold anyone who put your life at risk responsible.

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