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Personal Injury Lawyer in Kentucky

A personal injury can change your world when you least expect it. No one starts their day thinking they will spend the night in the hospital. However, when others fail to follow the rules or behave negligently, the results can be deadly.

Personal injuries can have effects that victims may suffer for a lifetime. In addition to declining health, a personal injury may cost you your job, finances, and quality of life. If you or a family member have suffered a personal injury, a Kentucky personal injury attorney from McCoy, Hiestand  is ready to take on your personal injury claim.

Our top-rated lawyers for personal injury treat our clients like family. We acknowledge everything you have been through and wish to use our countless years of experience to get the justice you deserve. Get started today and contact us to schedule an appointment for a free legal consultation to learn if you could have a personal injury claim.

How Do I Prove I Have a Personal Injury Claim in Kentucky?

Personal injury claims are common; however, they are often complex. At first glance, what may seem like a simple case can be complicated as lawyers determine how your accidents occurred, who could be at fault, and what types of damages you may win after a successful personal injury claim.

Though the facts may appear hard and fast, your lawyer must prove four deciding factors before you can claim compensation from a personal injury lawsuit.

  • Duty of care. When shopping, driving, inviting friends over or visiting a fancy new restaurant, we must keep others around us safe by preventing accidents at all costs. The duty of care to others around us also applies to landlords, building owners, and government entities.
  • Breach of duty. When others around us fail to act responsibly to keep others safe, they breach the duty of care to those harmed.Proving negligence can be difficult without a personal injury lawyer in Kentucky.
  • Causation. To prove causation, you must show proof that the other party’s negligent actions caused your personal injury accident. Your lawyer can help you by providing evidence from the accident scene and the police report.
  • Damages. Personal injury claims aim to reimburse victims for their losses, or damages, from the accident. Once proven that the other party acted negligently, you must also prove that their negligence caused your accident and subsequent damages, such as medical bills, pain and suffering, and mental anguish.

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What Types of Damages Could I Recover from a Personal Injury Claim in Kentucky?

After a successful personal injury claim, you may be eligible to collect two types of damages to recover your losses — economic and non-economic damages.

Each category of damages reimburses personal injury victims for a specific loss they have suffered because of or after their accident. A Kentucky Personal Injury Attorney can help you increase your chances of winning a settlement by negotiating on your behalf throughout the claim process.

Economic damages are monetary and focus on damages with a dollar value, including medical bills or out-of-pocket expenses. Common economic damages you may win after a personal injury accident may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Property damage expenses
  • Ambulance rides
  • Hospital stays
  • Past, present, and future medical treatments
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity

Non-economic damages are not monetary and do not have a dollar value attached to them. These types of damages do not focus on financial losses but rather the losses you have experienced personally due to your accident. Common non-economic damages include but are not limited to the following:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Lower quality of life
  • Emotional distress

Statute of Limitations for Kentucky Personal Injury Claims

According to the Kentucky Legislature Chapter 413 Section 140, all personal injury lawsuits must be filed within one year of the accident. This means you will have exactly one year to file a lawsuit with a personal injury lawyer in Kentucky.

Though personal injury victims have up to one year to file, lawyers for personal injuries recommend filing as soon as possible. By doing so, you increase your chances of winning and will be able to collect evidence much easier to prove how the other person behaved negligently.

If you have questions about how or when to file a personal injury claim, speak to a lawyer at McCoy, Hiestand, PLC. We can help you determine if you could be eligible for compensation so long as you have not passed the one-year statute of limitations for personal injury accidents in Kentucky.

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How Can a Kentucky Personal Injury Attorney Help Me?

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is wise after an accident to protect your legal rights and increase your chances of winning a settlement. Your lawyer will help you with many things throughout the claim process, so you can rest and relax with your loved ones without worry. Our personal injury lawyers in Kentucky will handle various aspects of your personal injury claim, including not limited the following elements and items:

  • Evaluating your personal injury claim
  • Collecting evidence
  • Determining fault
  • Speaking to insurance companies
  • Making sure you get proper medical attention
  • Collecting your medical reports
  • Ensure at-fault parties pay you what you deserve
  • Negotiate on your behalf
  • Go to court if required
  • Handle your case no matter how complex

Personal injury lawyers in Kentucky are here to serve you after an unexpected injury. We will work hard to ensure you receive fair compensation for your losses to recover what you are owed so you can move forward with your life after a personal injury accident.

What Kind of Personal Injury Claims do We Represent in Kentucky?

Many factors can contribute to a personal injury claim. We understand that each personal injury accident is unique, and one case will not look like the next. Your circumstances are unique to your accident, and we will work to determine the best course for your case.

We have represented various types of personal injury lawsuits over the years. Our fantastic results are a testament to the skill of our top-rated attorneys for personal injuries in Kentucky and all of the hard work they do for our clients. The most common personal injury claims we represent in Kentucky include but are not limited to the following:

  • Car accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Burn injuries
  • Dog bites
  • Medical malpractice
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Slip & fall accidents
  • Product liability
  • Wrongful death
  • Prison neglect
  • $1.3 Million

    Wrongful Death Case

  • $350 Thousand

    Dental Malpractice

  • $515 Thousand

    Jail Death Case

  • $2 Million

    Motorcycle Accident

  • $2.5 Million

    Failure to Diagnose Cancer

  • $2 Million

    Trucking Accident

Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Kentucky

We understand how your life can change instantly when an unexpected injury occurs. You do not have to suffer because of someone else’s mistake. Our top-rated Kentucky personal injury attorneys will help you get your life back on track.

Now is the time to stand up for yourself. Get the justice you deserve and hold responsible parties accountable for their actions by filing a personal injury claim in Kentucky.

If you’re tired of struggling, contact us at McCoy & Hiestand, PLC. We are here to help you. Call us to schedule a free legal consultation to learn if you could be eligible for compensation after a personal injury accident in Kentucky.

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Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Kentucky Now

Hurt and it wasn't your fault? It doesn't matter whether your injuries are from a car crash, medical negligence, or another wrongful act. If you need help, McCoy & Hiestand, PLC is here to provide unparalleled legal guidance. Schedule your no-cost, no-obligation case evaluation.