Hernia Mesh is a medical device that’s implanted within the body by a surgeon—designed to patch or repair an area of the body where fatty tissue, an internal organ or intestine has bulged through a hole or weakness in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. While surgical meshes have been used for years to implement …
June 2020 Recall Update
At McCoy, Hiestand & Smith we value the health and safety of everyone in our community. Sometimes regardless of how careful we are the products we buy aren’t as safe as we had hoped. Products are recalled every day and it’s important to stay up to date on those recalls in order to keep you …
Vaping May Increase Risk of Severe Coronavirus Symptoms
Our news stations and conversations are filled with information on the coronavirus pandemic. By now most of us know the basics but have you thought about how those facts may apply to your lifestyle and well being? Coronavirus or more specifically, COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that travels through your respiratory tract via ACE2 receptors …
Spring Cleaning – Benefits & Basics
Spring is here and the sun is shining which means you’re probably seeing dirt in your house that you didn’t realize was there. After months of being cooped up during Kentucky’s wet winter our homes are bound to be filled with unwanted dirt and bacteria. While cleaning usually ranks pretty low on everyone’s list of …
Tips for Working from Home
In an effort to “flatten the curve” many people are now working from home. In addition to people having to complete their regular work duties many are also homeschooling their children in the wake of the coronavirus. With added distractions people are finding working from home to be quite difficult. Here are a few tips …
COVID-19 Resources
Changes are being made to our lives every day in response to the coronavirus pandemic. With shutdowns and suggested quarantines people are searching for answers and assistance. Updates on these changes are being made to KyCovid19.Ky.Gov each day, in addition to the governors live address on Facebook at 5pm daily. A COVID-19 hotline has also …
Stopping the Spread of Coronavirus
As of March 12, over 1,400 people across the United States have tested positive for coronavirus with thousands more across the globe. COVID-19, also known as coronavirus is a mew respiratory illness that began in China at the start of 2020. Because this is a new virus the complete clinical picture is unknown, but information …
Bleeding Disorders
Bleeding Disorders are a group of conditions that affects the way your blood should normally clot. While most bleeding disorders are inherited they can rarely develop later in life when your body develops an excess of antibodies that then fight against the blood’s natural clotting factors. Signs & Symptoms Common signs of bleeding disorders include …
Delay in Diagnosis of Cancer: A Far Too Common Medical Error
By: Sheila Hiestand Medical errors account for over 250,000 deaths per year according to a recent study by Johns Hopkins, making it the third leading cause of death in the United States. BMJ 2016;353:i2139, MA Makaray, M. Daniel (03 May 2016). Unfortunately, many of these deaths are caused by a delay in diagnosis of cancers. This article …
JUUL: The Devil in Disguise
It has been said that the devil likes to hide behind a cross. Marketed as being born out of an altruistic motive to help switch people off of cigarettes, JUUL Lab’s has found itself under fire for some of its marketing claims; namely that “Juuling” is safer than smoking cigarettes. In a warning letter authored …